Blog / Mountain lion hunting

By Connor Thomas
Saturday, April 08, 2023

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Mountain Panther Hunting: Pointers and Approaches for a Fruitful Hunt

Mountain panther hunting is one of the most thrilling and challenging pursuits you can experience. Known also as cougar hunting, this type of hunt demands proficiency, forbearance, and familiarity with the terrain where these elusive predators traverse. In this article, we will discuss certain pointers and approaches to assist you in having a successful mountain panther hunt.

Before embarking, ensure you have the appropriate equipment. A decent set of binoculars, a sturdy knapsack, and a high-caliber firearm are crucial. Additionally, you will require a good hunting knife, a headlamp or flashlight, and suitable apparel and footwear for the terrain you will traverse. A GPS device or map and compass can also prove helpful for direction.

While scouting for mountain panthers, search for paw prints, droppings, and claw marks on trees. These creatures are elusive and often active at night, so you may need to track in low-light conditions. Mountain panthers are also territorial, so if you find one set of paw prints, it is likely that the same creature will return to that area.

Once you have identified a potential hunting area, set up a trail camera to monitor the zone. These cameras can provide valuable information about when and where mountain panthers are active, and can help you plan your hunt accordingly.

When hunting mountain panthers, it is imperative to be patient and observant. These animals are stealthy and may be watching you from a distance, so survey the area carefully with your binoculars. Look for any movement or signs of a kill, such as feathers or tracks leading to a carcass.

When you spot a mountain panther, remain calm and avoid making sudden movements. These creatures are usually not aggressive towards humans, but they may become defensive if they feel threatened. Keep your firearm at the ready, but only take a shot if you are confident you can make a clean hit.

Mountain panthers are strong and nimble, and can cover a lot of ground quickly. If you do take a shot, be prepared to track the creature for a distance. Make note of any blood trails or other signs that can help you locate the creature.

If you are successful in your hunt, be sure to field dress the creature correctly. This will help preserve the meat and ensure that it is safe to consume. Take care to abide by all local regulations regarding hunting and the transportation of game.

In conclusion, mountain panther hunting can be an exhilarating and fulfilling experience for those who are up for the challenge. With the right equipment, knowledge, and patience, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to always hunt ethically and responsibly, and to show respect to the creatures and the environment in which you are hunting.

Find A Hunt is an excellent resource for discovering guided mountain panther hunts in your vicinity. Whether you are an experienced hunter or a novice, their expert guides can help you plan the ideal hunt. Visit their website today to learn more.