Blog / Backcountry Hunting: Gear and Survival Strategies

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

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When it comes to hunting in the great outdoors, there's nothing quite like the thrill of backcountry hunting. Venturing deep into remote and rugged wilderness areas in pursuit of elusive game is a challenge that seasoned hunters relish. However, it's crucial to be well-prepared for the unique demands of backcountry hunting to ensure both a successful hunt and your personal safety. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll discuss essential gear and survival strategies that will help you thrive in the backcountry.

Gear Essentials:

High-Quality Backpack: Your backpack is your lifeline in the backcountry. Opt for a durable, comfortable pack that can carry your gear and game.

Hunting Boots: Invest in waterproof, insulated boots with excellent traction to keep your feet warm and dry during long treks.

Layered Clothing: Dressing in layers is essential for regulating your body temperature. Start with moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a waterproof outer layer.

Navigation Tools: Always carry a reliable GPS device, maps, and a compass. Familiarize yourself with the terrain before heading out.

Water Filtration: A portable water filter or purification tablets are vital for staying hydrated when natural water sources are your only option.

Emergency Shelter: Pack a lightweight, compact shelter like a tent or emergency bivvy in case you get caught in inclement weather.

Fire-Making Tools: Waterproof matches, a firestarter, or a lighter are essential for warmth, cooking, and signaling for help if needed.

First Aid Kit: Customize your kit for potential injuries and ailments specific to hunting and the environment you'll be in.

Survival Strategies:

Know Your Limits: Understand your physical abilities and limitations. Don't push yourself too hard, as exhaustion can lead to poor decision-making.

Leave a Plan: Inform someone you trust about your hunting plans, including your expected return time and location. This ensures that help can be sent if you don't check in.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Carry sufficient water and energy-rich snacks to maintain your stamina throughout the day.

Wildlife Safety: Be familiar with the wildlife in the area and how to handle encounters. Always carry bear spray or other appropriate deterrents.

Weather Awareness: Keep an eye on the weather forecast and be prepared for rapid changes. Dress accordingly and seek shelter in case of severe weather.

Emergency Communication: Consider investing in a satellite communication device for emergencies, as cell service is often unavailable in remote areas.

Fire Safety: If you need to start a fire, be cautious of the surroundings and follow Leave No Trace principles. Ensure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving.

Navigation Skills: Brush up on your navigation skills and practice using your tools before heading into the backcountry.


Backcountry hunting offers a unique and challenging experience for hunters. To ensure a successful and safe adventure, it's essential to be well-prepared with the right gear and survival strategies. Remember that your safety should always be a priority when embarking on backcountry hunts. With the tips and recommendations from "Find A Hunt," you can maximize your enjoyment and success in the wilderness while staying safe and prepared for any situation. Happy hunting!