Blog / Georgia's Dove Fields: Strategies for a Successful Hunt

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Welcome to Find A Hunt, your trusted source for hunting tips and strategies. In this article, we will be exploring the exciting world of dove hunting in Georgia and providing you with essential strategies for a successful hunt. Georgia's dove fields offer abundant opportunities for hunters, and with the right knowledge and tactics, you can increase your chances of a rewarding experience.

Understanding the Dove Hunting Season in Georgia

Before you embark on your dove hunting adventure in Georgia, it's crucial to be aware of the state's dove hunting season and regulations. Typically, the dove hunting season in Georgia opens in early September and runs through October, with additional dates later in the year. Be sure to check the Georgia Department of Natural Resources' website for the most up-to-date information on seasons, bag limits, and license requirements.

Scouting Your Hunting Location

One of the keys to a successful dove hunt is scouting your hunting location well in advance. Georgia's dove fields can vary greatly in size and habitat, so it's essential to know the lay of the land. Look for areas with abundant food sources like sunflowers, millet, or corn, as these are magnets for doves. Talk to local landowners, join hunting forums, and network with fellow hunters to gather information on the best spots.

Preparation and Gear

Proper preparation and the right gear are crucial for a successful dove hunt in Georgia. Here are some essential items to consider:

Shotgun: A 12 or 20-gauge shotgun with an improved cylinder choke is a popular choice for dove hunting. Ensure it's well-maintained and tested before your hunt.

Ammunition: Opt for high-quality dove loads, typically #7.5 or #8 shot size, for effective shooting.

Camouflage: Wear appropriate camouflage clothing to blend into your surroundings and minimize the chances of spooking the doves.

Decoys: Set up dove decoys to attract passing doves to your hunting location.

Hunting blind or stool: A comfortable hunting blind or stool can help you stay concealed and comfortable during the hunt.

Safety gear: Don't forget your ear and eye protection, as safety should always be a top priority.

Hunting Strategies

Now that you're prepared, let's dive into some effective hunting strategies for Georgia's dove fields:

Timing is Key: Doves are most active during the early morning and late afternoon. Plan your hunts accordingly for the best results.

Concealment: Blend into your surroundings by wearing appropriate camouflage and using natural cover, such as trees or shrubs, to stay hidden.

Decoy Placement: Set up your decoys in a way that mimics a group of feeding doves. Doves are social birds and often join groups for feeding.

Patience: Dove hunting requires patience. Be prepared to wait quietly in your blind for the doves to approach.

Shooting Technique: Practice your shooting technique, as doves are fast-moving and agile. Aim slightly ahead of the bird and swing your shotgun smoothly to follow its flight path.

Respect Bag Limits: Be aware of bag limits and adhere to them. Ethical hunting is essential for the conservation of dove populations.


Georgia's dove fields offer an exciting and rewarding hunting experience, but success requires careful planning and execution. By scouting your hunting location, preparing the right gear, and employing effective hunting strategies, you can increase your chances of a successful dove hunt in Georgia. Remember to respect the rules and regulations set by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and prioritize safety at all times. Happy hunting from Find A Hunt!