Blog / Goose Hunting in the American Southwest: Unconventional Tactics

By Connor Thomas
Monday, April 22, 2024

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In the vast expanse of the American Southwest, where the landscape ranges from arid deserts to sprawling plains, lies a haven for hunters seeking the thrill of goose hunting. Unlike traditional hunting grounds, the Southwest presents unique challenges and opportunities, calling for unconventional tactics to outsmart these majestic birds.

Understanding the Terrain:

The key to successful goose hunting in the Southwest lies in understanding the terrain. While waterfowl may not be the first thing that comes to mind when picturing this region, its diverse landscape provides ample opportunities for hunting. From the marshes and wetlands of New Mexico to the agricultural fields of Texas, geese can be found in unexpected places.

Unconventional Tactics:

One unconventional tactic that has gained popularity among Southwest hunters is the use of layout blinds in agricultural fields. Unlike traditional blinds, which may be impractical in the flat terrain of the Southwest, layout blinds allow hunters to conceal themselves effectively while remaining mobile. This versatility is essential when hunting geese, which can be notoriously wary of human presence.

Another effective tactic is the use of electronic calls to mimic the sounds of geese in distress or feeding. These calls can be particularly useful in areas where natural calls may be drowned out by other sounds, such as wind or machinery. By using electronic calls strategically, hunters can lure geese within range without alerting them to their presence.

Scouting is also crucial in the Southwest, where geese may not follow predictable migration patterns. By scouting potential hunting locations ahead of time, hunters can identify areas where geese are likely to feed or roost, increasing their chances of a successful hunt.


While goose hunting in the American Southwest may require unconventional tactics, the rewards are well worth the effort. With its diverse landscape and abundance of game, the Southwest offers endless opportunities for hunters of all skill levels. By understanding the terrain, employing unconventional tactics, and conducting thorough scouting, hunters can increase their chances of a successful hunt.

Check out the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt across America for expert guidance and access to prime hunting locations. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, Find A Hunt connects you with top-rated outfitters who can help you make the most of your hunting experience. Visit our website today to start planning your next adventure.