Blog / Goose Hunting in Wyoming: Tactics for the High Plains

By Connor Thomas
Monday, April 22, 2024

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Wyoming's vast and rugged landscapes offer some of the finest goose hunting opportunities in the country. From the expansive high plains to the winding rivers and wetlands, hunters flock to Wyoming for its abundance of waterfowl, including geese. To make the most of your goose hunting expedition in Wyoming, it's essential to employ effective tactics tailored to the unique terrain and behaviors of these majestic birds.

1. Scout Strategically: Before setting out on your hunt, spend time scouting the area. Geese often frequent agricultural fields, wetlands, and bodies of water, so look for areas where they feed, rest, and roost. Pay attention to their flight patterns and behavior to determine the best locations for setting up your blinds.

2. Concealment is Key: Geese have sharp eyesight and can easily detect movement. Ensure you and your hunting party are well concealed in blinds or natural cover such as bushes or tall grass. Camouflage clothing and gear are essential for blending into the surroundings and avoiding detection.

3. Decoy Placement: Proper decoy placement can make or break a goose hunt. Set up your decoys in small groups to mimic natural flocking behavior, and position them strategically to create landing zones within shooting range. Experiment with different configurations to see what works best for attracting geese to your location.

4. Call with Confidence: Mastering goose calls is crucial for drawing birds within range. Practice different calling techniques to mimic various goose vocalizations, including greeting calls, feeding calls, and comeback calls. Pay attention to the response of nearby flocks and adjust your calling accordingly to lure them closer.

5. Timing is Everything: Geese are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours, making these prime times for hunting. Plan your hunts accordingly, arriving at your chosen location well before sunrise to set up and be ready when the birds start flying.

6. Stay Patient and Flexible: Goose hunting requires patience and adaptability. Be prepared to wait for the right opportunities and adjust your tactics based on changing weather conditions, bird behavior, and other factors. Sometimes, simply remaining still and quiet in your blind can be enough to attract curious geese within shooting range.

7. Respect Wildlife and Regulations: Always prioritize safety and ethical hunting practices. Familiarize yourself with Wyoming's hunting regulations and obtain any necessary licenses or permits before embarking on your hunt. Respect the environment and wildlife, and be mindful of your impact on the ecosystem.

As you plan your next goose hunting adventure in Wyoming or elsewhere across America, consider leveraging the expertise of hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt. Our platform connects hunters with reputable outfitters offering guided hunts, lodging, and other amenities to enhance your experience. Visit to explore hunting opportunities and book your next adventure today.

Happy hunting!

[CTA: Check out the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt across America at]