Blog / Hunting Through the Seasons: What to Hunt and When

By Connor Thomas
Monday, November 13, 2023

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Title: Hunting Through the Seasons: What to Hunt and When


Hunting is a timeless and deeply rooted tradition enjoyed by enthusiasts all over the world. The thrill of the chase, the connection to nature, and the satisfaction of providing sustenance through hunting make it a popular outdoor activity. However, to be successful, it's crucial to understand the different hunting seasons and what game is in season at any given time. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll explore what to hunt and when throughout the year.


Spring is a season of renewal, and it's also a time when many hunting opportunities arise. Depending on your location and local regulations, you might find spring seasons for various game species. One of the most popular spring hunts is for turkey. These birds are active and vocal during this time, making it an exciting hunt. Additionally, some regions offer spring seasons for black bear and coyote hunting.


Summer is typically not prime hunting season for many game species due to factors like mating, nesting, and rearing young. However, predator hunting can still be an option in some areas. Coyote and hog hunting are often available year-round, offering an opportunity to hone your skills and contribute to wildlife management efforts.


Fall is a favorite season for many hunters, as it brings some of the most sought-after game species into focus. Deer hunting, for example, is a quintessential fall pursuit. The whitetail and mule deer rutting seasons draw hunters from all over, and the chance to harvest a trophy buck is high. Fall is also prime time for hunting other big game animals like elk, moose, and pronghorn.

Waterfowl hunting is another popular fall pursuit, with ducks and geese migrating south. Many hunters eagerly anticipate opening day in hopes of bagging their limit of waterfowl. Fall also sees the start of upland bird hunting seasons, including pheasant, grouse, and quail.


As winter sets in, hunting options may become more limited, but there are still opportunities for those who are willing to brave the cold. Late-season deer hunting can be fruitful, as deer become more active when searching for food to sustain themselves through the winter. Additionally, winter is an excellent time for predator hunting, especially if you're interested in pursuing coyotes, foxes, or bobcats.


Hunting through the seasons offers a diverse range of opportunities for enthusiasts to connect with nature, practice their skills, and provide sustenance for themselves and their families. Knowing what game is in season and when is essential to make the most of your hunting experience. "Find A Hunt" is here to help you plan your hunting adventures year-round. Remember to always check local regulations and hunting seasons to ensure you're hunting responsibly and ethically. Happy hunting!