Create New Land/Properties Account

Land/Properties Account

No Commissions. No contracts. Monthly and Yearly Plans

No commissions. You get the leads.

Advertise up to 15 properties you have for sale or lease. You don’t have to pick just one or two properties to advertise, you can advertise up to 15 of your listings.

Your listing includes your logo, contact info, link to your website, gallery of pictures, description of the property and any other info you need to post.

Hunters/Buyers will contact you directly. All of your contact info is included in your listing. We don’t think hunters want to contact us to get to you, so we made it easy for them to get in touch with the agent.

You have editorial control over your listing. Make changes, add pictures, advertise price reductions, offer promotions, etc.

Need help setting up your listing? For a one time set up fee of $65, we can build you a killer listing!

Monthly Plan


Billed Monthly