Blog / Preparing for Backcountry Elk Hunts: Survival Skills and Gear

By Connor Thomas
Monday, March 18, 2024

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Backcountry elk hunts offer some of the most exhilarating experiences for hunters, but they also come with their own set of challenges. From rugged terrain to unpredictable weather, being prepared is crucial for a successful and safe hunt. In this guide, we'll delve into essential survival skills and gear necessary for navigating the wilderness during your backcountry elk hunt.

Survival Skills:

Navigation: Before heading into the backcountry, ensure you have a solid understanding of map reading, compass navigation, and how to use GPS devices. Familiarize yourself with the terrain and have multiple routes planned out in case of unexpected obstacles.

Shelter Building: Knowing how to construct a temporary shelter can be a lifesaver in extreme weather conditions. Practice building shelters using natural materials such as branches, leaves, and tarpaulins to protect yourself from the elements.

Fire Starting: Fire provides warmth, light, and can even be used for cooking food. Pack waterproof matches, lighters, and fire starters in your survival kit. Learn different fire-starting techniques such as using a fire striker or friction methods like bow drill or hand drill.

Water Sourcing: Staying hydrated is paramount in the wilderness. Locate nearby water sources and carry a reliable water filtration system or purification tablets to ensure safe drinking water. Learn how to identify edible plants and fruits for additional hydration if needed.

First Aid: Accidents can happen, so having basic first aid knowledge and a well-stocked first aid kit is essential. Learn how to treat common injuries such as cuts, sprains, and burns. Consider taking a wilderness first aid course for more comprehensive training.

Essential Gear:

Backpack: Invest in a durable, comfortable backpack with ample storage space for your gear, food, water, and other essentials. Look for features like padded straps, adjustable waist belts, and waterproof compartments.

Clothing: Dressing in layers is key for backcountry hunts where weather conditions can change rapidly. Pack moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a waterproof outer shell to stay warm and dry.

Footwear: Choose sturdy, waterproof boots with good ankle support to navigate rough terrain. Break in your boots before the hunt to prevent blisters and discomfort during long treks.

Camping Equipment: Depending on the duration of your hunt, pack lightweight camping gear such as a tent, sleeping bag, and portable stove for cooking meals. Opt for compact, lightweight options to minimize pack weight.

Hunting Gear: Don't forget your hunting essentials such as a rifle or bow, ammunition, calls, and scent control products. Practice shooting and familiarize yourself with your equipment before the hunt to ensure accuracy.


Preparing for a backcountry elk hunt requires careful planning, proper gear, and essential survival skills. By honing your navigation abilities, mastering shelter building and fire-starting techniques, and packing the right gear, you can increase your chances of a successful and safe hunt. Remember to always prioritize safety and respect for the wilderness during your adventures.


Ready to embark on your backcountry elk hunt? Explore a curated list of hunting outfitters across America on Find A Hunt. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, our listings provide access to expert guides and top-notch hunting experiences. Visit today to find your next hunting adventure!