Blog / The Hunter's Guide to Tracking Elk in the Colorado Rockies

By Connor Thomas
Monday, November 13, 2023

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Title: The Hunter's Guide to Tracking Elk in the Colorado Rockies


Welcome to "Find A Hunt," your trusted source for all things hunting. If you're an avid hunter or a newcomer to the world of hunting, there's something truly magical about tracking elk in the Colorado Rockies. The rugged terrain, breathtaking scenery, and the challenge of pursuing these majestic creatures make it a sought-after hunting experience. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps and tips for tracking elk in the Colorado Rockies.

Understanding Elk Behavior:

To become a successful elk hunter, it's crucial to understand the behavior of these magnificent animals. Elk are most active during the early morning and late afternoon, often referred to as the "golden hours." During the day, they seek shelter in dense forests and high-altitude meadows. Knowing their feeding, bedding, and watering patterns is essential for a successful hunt.

Selecting the Right Gear:

Before heading into the Colorado Rockies, make sure you have the right hunting gear. This includes a high-quality rifle or bow, appropriate ammunition or arrows, clothing suitable for the varying mountain weather conditions, a sturdy backpack, binoculars, a GPS device, and a reliable hunting knife. Ensure your equipment is well-maintained and in good working condition.

Scouting the Area:

Successful elk hunting begins with thorough scouting. Spend time researching your chosen hunting area in the Colorado Rockies. Look for signs of elk activity, such as tracks, droppings, and wallows. Consider investing in trail cameras to monitor elk movement in the region. Scouting not only improves your chances of finding elk but also helps you identify prime hunting spots.

Understanding Elk Calls:

Elk communicate through a variety of vocalizations, including bugles, grunts, and mews. Learning to mimic these calls can be a game-changer for your hunting success. Practice with elk calls to draw elk closer to your location. Remember that elk can be vocal during the rutting season, which usually occurs in September and October.

Hunting Ethically and Legally:

Respect for wildlife and adherence to hunting regulations are of utmost importance. Ensure you have the appropriate licenses and permits to hunt elk in Colorado. Abide by hunting season dates and bag limits to protect the elk population and their ecosystem. Always follow ethical hunting practices, including making clean and humane shots.

Tracking and Field Dressing:

Once you've located elk and made a successful shot, it's time for tracking and field dressing. Follow the blood trail carefully to find your downed elk. Be prepared for the physically demanding task of field dressing, and have a plan for transporting the meat out of the wilderness.

Safety in the Rockies:

The Colorado Rockies can be unforgiving terrain. Prioritize safety by informing someone of your hunting plans and expected return time. Carry essential survival gear, including a first-aid kit, extra clothing, and ample food and water. Be mindful of changing weather conditions, as mountain weather can be unpredictable.


Hunting elk in the Colorado Rockies offers a unique and rewarding experience for hunters. With the right knowledge, gear, and ethical approach, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember, "Find A Hunt" is here to provide you with valuable hunting information and resources. So, get out there, embrace the challenge, and create unforgettable hunting memories in the Colorado Rockies. Happy hunting!