Blog / Wisconsin's Black Bear Habitats: Tracking the Forest Dwellers

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Welcome to "Find A Hunt," your trusted source for all things related to hunting! In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of Wisconsin's black bears and their forest habitats. Wisconsin boasts a robust black bear population, making it a prime destination for bear hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike. Join us as we explore the fascinating lives of these forest dwellers and learn about the best strategies for tracking them in the wild.

The Habitat of Wisconsin's Black Bears

Wisconsin's vast and diverse landscapes provide an ideal habitat for black bears. The state's dense forests, swamps, and agricultural lands offer a wide range of resources for these magnificent creatures. Black bears are highly adaptable, which allows them to thrive in various habitats, but they primarily favor areas with an abundance of food, water, and cover.

Food Sources: Black bears are omnivores, and their diet includes a variety of foods such as berries, nuts, insects, and occasionally, small mammals. In Wisconsin, the abundant oak and hazelnut forests provide a significant food source for black bears. During the fall, they can be frequently spotted foraging for acorns and other tree nuts.

Water Sources: Access to freshwater is crucial for black bears. Wisconsin's numerous lakes, rivers, and streams ensure that bears have ample opportunities to quench their thirst and cool off during hot summer months.

Cover and Shelter: Black bears are known for their preference for dense cover and shelter, especially during their hibernation period. They typically choose areas with thick vegetation, caves, or hollow trees as their den sites. The state's forests and natural topography offer plenty of options for black bears to create suitable dens.

Tracking Wisconsin's Black Bears

If you're a bear hunter or a wildlife enthusiast looking to track and observe Wisconsin's black bears, here are some essential tips:

Research and Planning: Before heading out into the woods, it's crucial to gather information about the specific area you plan to explore. Understanding the local bear population, preferred food sources, and recent bear activity can greatly increase your chances of a successful encounter.

Scouting: Spend time scouting the area for signs of bear activity, such as tracks, scat, and claw marks on trees. Bears are creatures of habit, so identifying their travel routes and feeding grounds is essential.

Use Technology: Modern technology can be a valuable tool for tracking bears. Trail cameras and GPS devices can help you monitor bear movements and gather valuable data about their behavior.

Be Discreet: Black bears have a keen sense of smell, so it's important to minimize your scent and noise while in the woods. Use scent-neutralizing clothing and practice quiet, stealthy movements.

Safety First: Always prioritize safety when tracking bears. Bears are wild animals, and encounters can be unpredictable. Carry bear spray, know how to use it, and make noise to alert bears of your presence to avoid surprising them.


Wisconsin's black bears are magnificent forest dwellers that have adapted to thrive in the state's diverse habitats. Whether you're a seasoned bear hunter or simply a wildlife enthusiast, tracking these creatures in their natural environment can be an exhilarating experience. By researching, planning, and practicing safety, you can increase your chances of encountering these majestic animals in the wild. "Find A Hunt" is your trusted partner for all things hunting, providing you with valuable information and resources to make your Wisconsin black bear tracking adventure a memorable one. Happy hunting!